Bombo’s Pond (Parts of 018-361-01, 018-361-04, and 018-371-06)
Portions of the site were developed as prospect pits and mine adits. The site was also used as a former quarry operation to support construction of nearby roadways. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was completed in 2005, which concluded that further assessment was necessary to determine if environmental cleanup was required. The site is primarily vacant land with several abandoned mines on and around the property. A small pond has formed in the remains of the former quarry operation.
Nye County is exploring opportunities to work with the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of Reclamation to ensure local mines in the area are closed to protect the safety of individuals who may use the site for recreational purposes. The Town of Beatty has discussed developing the site as greenspace and perhaps stocking the pond as a local fishing hole. This property requires further study to ensure the water quality is sufficient to support aquatic life and does not have any contaminants that may endanger the health of individuals who may consume the fish.