The site was originally used as a training and testing facility during WWII, which left significant areas of contamination at the property. Numerous environmental studies were performed and research conducted for the airport through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Formerly Used Defense Sites Program and Nye County Brownfields Program. Activities included Phase I and II ESAs, site inspections, cleanup activities, preparation of a master plan, and an appraisal and research into the renewable energy potential at the airport.
The site is a general aviation public use airport with fixed-base operations that service small aircraft and house a pilot’s lounge. The property also includes a racetrack, golf/driving range, a small sand & gravel operation, and a mine tailings reprocessing facility. Nye County intends to redevelop the Tonopah Airport in accordance with FAA requirements for general aviation compatible use. The County has leased a portion of the property to a solar developer and is actively seeking leases with other renewable energy companies. In keeping with long-term plans to develop a Science and Technology Corridor, the County is transitioning the airport into a green commercial/industrial park that promotes environmentally-responsible, sustainable development while preserving the historic qualities that demonstrate Tonopah’s role in maintaining national security and military readiness.
Nye 2002 Assessed Sites
Tonopah Airport and Tonopah Aeronautics & Technology Park (160 parcels)