Beatty Habitat Trails Project
The site consists of a series of parcels comprising about 6,120 acres of BLM managed land proposed as part of the Beatty Habitat Trails project. A majority of the parcels are undeveloped; however, isolated portions exhibited evidence of prospect pits and mine adits. Environmental and related studies conducted for the Beatty Habitat Trails included: a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, aerial photography of the proposed trail area, maps of the project area, a collaborative design planning process, research into the habitat needs of the endemic Amargosa Toad, and a mine adit survey. No contaminants have been found.
Nye County is exploring options to develop the property as a habitat preservation area for the Amargosa Toad and as a greenspace recreational area in cooperation with the BLM and The Nature Conservancy. Design of the trails system is under review to determine the most appropriate alignment of the system. In September 2012, the US Fish and Wildlife Service recognized the Beatty Habitat Committee, the Town of Beatty, and Nye County in conjunction with other stakeholder agencies for their work restoring and preserving Amargosa Toad habitat.