The site consists of 7.5 acres in which the Pahranagat High School Multi-Use Building (Alamo Building) resides. The parcel and building are owned by the Lincoln County School District and are located in Alamo, Nevada. The Multi-Use Building was originally used as a military barracks at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada. The building was acquired through donation by the United States Air Force and transported from Nellis Air Force Base to its existing location during the 1963-1964 school years. The Multi-Use Building is currently in use by the maintenance department and for storage of physical education equipment. The building likely contains lead based paint, asbestos, and unhealthy levels of mold. Pahranagat High School intends to continue using the Multi-Use Building while ensuring the safety and health of its students.
Pahranagat High School Multi-Use Building